jeudi 30 septembre 2010

Bow-el vow-els

Milkshake UFOs and wise weasels on the HF painter's easel. And then double beds and triple pillows just don't make the night sweeter or swifter. The bang in my head. Is the bang in my head more than a mere song (music for the birds ?) ? And is the pain in my left elbow cancerous or not ? Better call it tendonitis or tendinitis lads.
Sleeplessness and nightmarishness cannot make up for a lost life, one lost in time, one lost in ways unwise. So they say.

mercredi 29 septembre 2010

In the mirror

In the mirror.
In the mirror.
In the mirror roommates err.
In the mirror.
In the mirror motors purr.
In the mirror in the mirror.
In the mirror.
In the mirror I'm a fraud.

lundi 27 septembre 2010


I move for no man.
No man ever moaned.   (has)   No man has ever moaned. Evergreens in your soup.

And a fry in the oilment.

As usual

Where  " A 2ème <= " / Guingois du mardi, 21.09.2010 there's a Will there is a Way.

Gertrude tut-tutted commas, so what ?

Boing boing boing !!!

A hard-working Sunday with steady reading, sedulous writing. Very busy people, unflagging attention.

(The young couple, no longer not-since-eons-ago petitlatinizing. Just one drop of milk in her tea. Dr. Claptrap drinks his black as soot, yet in a brown mug which makes the simile somewhat contrived or haphazard.)

Dr. Johnson eventually turned his back on adjectives, finding them an abjection. (Even finding them abject was too much to bear.) He was always cautious to a t. And dressed to the nines, goes without saying.
Beetroots cooking in the pressure cooker, Dr. J. would not know what to make of that. Dr. C. feeds the red juice to the arronzo, then turns his back on cooking, leaving the pinkish-brownish giant eggs to cool on the window sill.

It's Monday's lunch, you fool.

dimanche 26 septembre 2010

No ad-


High time there were images again.
Soothe our souls, images. Images soothe our souls. (Depends on which, though.)

Wallowing in images can badly damage your eyesight or your health or or or or or
Wallowing in images I sort of fell down.
--- Whereto ?? --- (Horror !!)

The answer is : I do not have the wherewithal. (Survithal.)

At high tide there were images again. (And sharks and jellyfish, but that's another story kettle of fish.)

Red chaos

Sipping the third drop or the last of my glass of La Gaule 2005 I muse on redness and prepositions.

gs . at

The previous message was posted at 12:21. Here he goes again with palindromes. A palindromedarian is what I am, quoth I smoking the last butt in my pack of Camels. A pale appalling palindromizer ? Nothing of the sort. No strings

Lost ?

Hideous and tedious : Villeperdue.
Back of beyond. Un bled paumé, as the French would say. 

                       Lost in
the fog (you thought : translation).

No need to bargain

Why wistful finally, and why not wistful ?
Why wistfully eventually and at the end of the day why not wistfully ?
Wistfully 24/11
Why not feeling wistful and why act wistfully ?
Why write wistful rather than writing wistfully ?

This was on March 25, 2008 - 30 months ago. 30 long wistful months ago. With nostalgia aforethought.

samedi 25 septembre 2010

Speak speak oh Chesapeake

There's no autobiography to speak of.
There's no autobiography.
There's no autobiography to speak of at night with friends as drunk as you.
"Little Tikes", monochrome jaune, 2 avril 2008
(I haven't been drunk for years, for eons. So there's no

There's no nonsensical no-nonsense autobiography or self-portrait. (Isn't the word otherworldly at this stage somewhat wordy ?)

To tamper with syntax and with autobiography first know that there is such a thing as syntax and there is no such thing as autobiography. So there's no autobiography in the dead of the night when you've died with the night.

(I haven't been the City's own night owl for eons, for years. So there's no

A sorry sight

Tremendous tantrum thrown.
A devil of a child everyone in the shop was desperately trying not to pay attention to.

Through the nose : that's how you pay then. Serves you right.
(A sorry sight.)


No I'm not disinhibited.
Not a bit.
No, not inhibited either.
For pete's sake I'm not disinhibited.

I'm just hibited. And inhabited. Indeed I am prelapsarian and post-saurian.



Here I stand at 4 am throwing up in my hands.