lundi 27 septembre 2010

Gertrude tut-tutted commas, so what ?

Boing boing boing !!!

A hard-working Sunday with steady reading, sedulous writing. Very busy people, unflagging attention.

(The young couple, no longer not-since-eons-ago petitlatinizing. Just one drop of milk in her tea. Dr. Claptrap drinks his black as soot, yet in a brown mug which makes the simile somewhat contrived or haphazard.)

Dr. Johnson eventually turned his back on adjectives, finding them an abjection. (Even finding them abject was too much to bear.) He was always cautious to a t. And dressed to the nines, goes without saying.
Beetroots cooking in the pressure cooker, Dr. J. would not know what to make of that. Dr. C. feeds the red juice to the arronzo, then turns his back on cooking, leaving the pinkish-brownish giant eggs to cool on the window sill.

It's Monday's lunch, you fool.

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